The 10 Most Common Studio Website Mistakes

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

The 10 Most Common Studio Website Mistakes

Hey there! In this video, I'm going to share with you the 10 most common mistakes that music studios make on their websites. Whether you're just starting out or have an existing website, this information will be incredibly helpful. But before we dive in, I want to let you in on something special.

We have recently added a new course called "Winning Websites For Music Schools" to our BAM Squad library in the Build A Music School community. This course is a game-changer! It's packed with valuable insights and strategies to help your website stand out from the crowd and become the go-to place for music lessons. And the best part? You can grab this course for FREE! Just click here to check it out.

Now, let's get back to the topic at hand. Here are the 10 most common studio website mistakes:

  1. Crappy Design: Having an outdated or unattractive website design is a big no-no. With platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress, you have access to beautiful templates that are easy to use. Don't settle for a website that looks like it was made by an amateur.
  2. Bad CTAs: A call to action (CTA) is essential for guiding visitors to take the desired action on your website. Avoid having too many CTAs or not having a clear call to action. Make it compelling and enticing for visitors to engage with your music school.
  3. Putting Art Over SEO: While it's important to have an aesthetically pleasing website, don't neglect search engine optimization (SEO). Your website should rank high in search engine results, especially for relevant keywords in your area. Strive for a balance between beauty and functionality.
  4. Unclear Messaging: Don't confuse your website visitors with a jumbled mess of information. Craft a clear and concise message that tells your story and makes it easy for potential students to understand what you offer.
  5. Being Me-Focused: Instead of boasting about your achievements and accolades, focus on making the customer the hero. Show them how learning with you can transform their lives and help them achieve their musical goals.
  6. Lying or Exaggerating: Avoid making unsubstantiated claims about being the best or having the best teachers. Such bold statements are subjective and can undermine your credibility. Instead, focus on the value you provide to your students.
  7. MVP (Minimal Viable Product): Don't spend an excessive amount of time perfecting your website. Aim for a solid 7 out of 10 and focus on the essentials. Spending too much time on minor details can be counterproductive.
  8. Being Process Focused: Rather than focusing on the process, emphasize the outcomes and benefits that students can expect from learning with you. Highlight the fun, the skills they'll acquire, and the opportunities they'll have.
  9. Being Too Long-Winded: Avoid overwhelming visitors with excessive menu options or lengthy paragraphs. Be concise and communicate the most important information in a clear and engaging manner.

Now that you're aware of these common website mistakes, I encourage you to take a look at your own website and make any necessary improvements. And don't forget to check out our "Winning Websites For Music Schools" course. It's an incredible resource that will help you transform your website into a powerful marketing tool. Join our BAM Squad community and access the course for FREE by clicking here.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

