3 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Music School Website

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

3 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Music School Website

If you're trying to promote music lessons for yourself as a teacher or for your music school, today I'm gonna share three things that I see all the time at Build A Music School, which people get wrong with websites. And it costs you a whole lot of money if you have these things wrong. So let's go through them one by one quickly so you can make sure that you've got them in place and you can save a whole lot of time and money.

1. Mobile Optimization

The first thing you need to do is to check how your website looks on mobile. Most people are browsing websites on their phones, so it's important to ensure that your website is designed for both desktop and mobile. Pull out your phone and visit your website. Scroll through and see if it looks good and functions properly. A poorly optimized mobile website can cost you leads and potential students. Don't let your website look like a big mess on mobile.

2. Landing Pages

Many people assume that everyone will visit their website's homepage and explore different pages. However, visitors can land on your website from various sources and may not go through the homepage. It's crucial to have a well-designed landing page that provides all the necessary information in one place. This page should include details about your music lessons, photos, social proof, and a clear call to action. Consider creating an info pack that visitors can opt-in for, allowing you to capture their contact information and follow up with them.

3. Customer-centric Copy

One of the biggest mistakes on music school websites is making it all about yourself. Instead, focus on the customer and what's in it for them. Avoid using self-centered language and shift the focus to the benefits your music school offers. Write copy that speaks directly to your target audience and addresses their needs and desires.

By avoiding these three mistakes, you can make your music school website more profitable and convert more students. If you want to see examples of successful music school websites and learn more about website optimization, check out the Build A Music School website. They offer a free trial and provide resources to help you improve your website and attract more students.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your music school. Take action today and join the #BAMSQUAD!#BAMSQUAD
