3 Productivity Hacks for Music Schools

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

3 Productivity Hacks for Music Schools

In today's video, I want to share with you 3 productivity hacks for music schools that will honestly save you thousands of dollars. We're going to get straight into it, lots to share, and I might also share a bonus one with you at the end too.

Hack #1: Use Voice Memos or Loom.com to Speed up Email Replies

There are so many emails that come in where you have to think really carefully about how you word things because you're worried about how people will interpret it. Instead of spending a lot of time crafting the perfect email, get really good at being on camera and use your voice memo to send people a reply. By using platforms like Loom.com, you can send a video email or a voice memo response through messenger or WhatsApp. This way, people get the full context and there's no confusion about how the message came across. Using Loom.com, you can even include a short clip of yourself in the email, making it more personal and engaging.

By using this hack, you can power through complex emails and questions more efficiently, saving yourself time and avoiding potential misinterpretations. So give it a try and see how it improves your email communication.

Hack #2: Embrace the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) Mindset

As musicians, we tend to be perfectionists and spend a lot of time trying to perfect everything. However, striving for perfection can hold back your business. Instead, adopt the MVP or "Get Moe" (Good Enough to Move On) mindset. Understand that at a certain level, your work is just good enough to launch. Spending excessive time perfecting something won't make it significantly better.

To help you stick with this mindset, set a timer using the Pomodoro technique or a similar method. Give yourself a specific amount of time to complete a task, and race against the clock. By doing this, you'll be more focused and efficient, completing tasks within the allocated time frame.

Hack #3: Do a Time Audit of Your Tasks

If you have a team member or know that you need one, it's essential to do a time audit of your tasks. Identify the value of each task in terms of dollars per hour. Categorize tasks as $10 an hour, $20 an hour, $50 an hour, or even $1,000 an hour. This will help you understand where your time is going and prioritize tasks accordingly.

Once you have a clear picture of how you're spending your time, you can start delegating lower-value tasks to others, allowing you to focus on higher-value activities that contribute more to your business's growth. By leveraging your time effectively, you can achieve significant progress and success.

Bonus Hack: Join the BAM Squad

The most powerful hack is to join the BAM Squad, our Build A Music School community. With over 350 music school owners from around the world, the BAM Squad is a collaborative community where you can get support, resources, and solutions to your challenges. Whenever you have a question or need assistance, you can rely on the collective knowledge and experience of the community to help you out. This level of collaboration is unparalleled, and it can fast-track your progress and growth.

If you want to experience the power of the BAM Squad, click here for a free 7-day trial. Take advantage of this opportunity and see how the BAM Squad can help you overcome obstacles, improve productivity, and grow your music school.

I hope these productivity hacks have provided you with valuable insights and techniques to enhance your efficiency and success. Remember, by implementing these strategies, you can save time, increase your earnings, and have more fun running your music school. Stay tuned for more videos and see you soon!
