How to Get Awesome Student Testimonial Videos

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2023

How to Get Awesome Student Testimonial Videos

Welcome back to my vlog! Today, I want to talk about how to get a really awesome student testimonial video for your music teaching business. Student testimonial videos are absolute gold for building your music teaching business. You can share them on social media, Facebook, YouTube, and your website (with permission, of course). But, getting good ones can be challenging. Kids aren't always comfortable on camera, so it can be difficult to get a natural and genuine interview. Don't worry, though, I've got some tips for you on how to get great video interviews from students.

1. Start with non-music related questions

The first tip is to make sure you start with a whole bunch of non-music related questions. Ask them fun and funny stuff just to get them in the zone. For example, you can ask them about their favorite food, where they would go on a holiday, what they would buy if they won the lottery, or what food they would eat for the rest of their life. These silly questions help them relax and feel like they're having fun.

2. Strive for personal answers

Next, strive to get personal answers from your students. You don't want it to look like you've scripted their answers. Instead, give them a sentence starter like "My favorite part about learning at [insert your music school name] is..." This way, they can provide a genuine and unscripted response. Avoid asking yes/no questions and keep their answers open-ended. By doing this, you'll get much better responses.

3. Avoid having the interviewer in the video

This tip might be controversial, but try to avoid having the interviewer in the video. It can often make the testimonial video look forced. Instead, set it up so that the student starts and finishes the sentence. For example, use sentence starters like "My favorite part about this is...", "When I started lessons, I was...", or "Something I'm looking forward to is...". By not having the interviewer in the video, you allow the focus to be solely on the student or adult giving the testimonial.

These are just a couple of really good tips for getting excellent student testimonials. I could give you more, but that's for another video. Before we wrap up, I want to hear from you! Drop a comment down below and share your tips for getting great student testimonial videos. I'm not talking about written comments or references on Google or Facebook, but actual testimonial videos. Let's help each other make sure those videos look awesome, so we can use them to attract more students to our music schools.

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