How to Handle Catch-up Lessons and Missed Lessons

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

How to Handle Catch-up Lessons and Missed Lessons

Running a private music teaching business or a music school can be frustrating when it comes to catch-up lessons and missed lessons. Balancing the need to not waste time with the desire to not waste money can be challenging. But don't worry, I've got some creative solutions for you!

Before I dive into my top three favorite options, I want to let you know that there are about 10-12 different ways to handle catch-up lessons and missed lessons. If you want to explore all of them, I highly recommend checking out the link below and joining the BAM Squad for a free trial. In Module 3, you'll find a comprehensive lesson on how to handle missed lessons and establish a catch-up policy.

Option 1: Video Replacement

If a student cancels a lesson, one option is to provide a video replacement. You can film a video of the lesson they missed, complete with the lesson plan, and send it to them. This allows them to practice at home and even ask questions in the comments section below the video. There are various software options you can use for this, such as unlisted YouTube videos, Google Drive, or LessonMate. LessonMate, created by one of our BAM Squad members, offers additional features and a professional look for storing and managing video lessons.

Option 2: Music Club

A brilliant idea from one of our BAM Squad members, Marcus, is the Music Club. This concept involves designating specific spots in your schedule as Music Club sessions. If a student misses their regular lesson, they can book into the Music Club instead. The Music Club can offer a variety of activities, such as band experiences, special workshops, or even filming performances. This allows students to catch up while still providing a unique and enjoyable experience.

Option 3: Weekly Online Coaching Call

Another option is to have a weekly online coaching call. You can go live for a set number of hours on specific days, and students can book into one of these sessions if they miss a lesson. During the coaching call, you can address individual students and provide group instruction. This saves time and allows students to catch up from the comfort of their own homes. You can use platforms like Zoom to facilitate the call and even incorporate breakout rooms for practice exercises.

These are just three of the many options available for handling catch-up lessons and missed lessons. To explore the full list and find the best option for you, I encourage you to click the link below and join the BAM Squad for a free trial at In Module 3, you'll find a comprehensive lesson on this topic.

Remember, whichever option you choose, it's important to stick to your policy. Communicate your policy to everyone involved and be consistent in its implementation. This will prevent burnout and ensure a fair and efficient system for everyone.

I can't wait to see which option you choose! Join the #BAMSQUAD and let's build a successful music school together! See you inside the Build A Music School Library!
