The 6 P's of Success: Insights from the Top 5%

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2023

The 6 P's of Success: Insights from the Top 5%

Welcome to my blog! Today, I want to share with you the six P's that I've observed from the top 5% of people I've worked with in our BAM Squad, our Build A Music School Program. These individuals are driven studio owners, private music teachers, and music school owners who are achieving incredible results. By understanding and applying these six P's, you too can take your business to new heights.

P for Product

The first P stands for product. Successful individuals invest their time in nailing the product of their lessons. Many people stick to traditional approaches, such as one-on-one lessons or online versus in-person. However, there are many different models to consider. By understanding your passions and where you want to be in the future, you can identify the best model for your business.

P for People

The top 5% understand the importance of having the right people on board. Building a team is crucial for scaling your business. No matter how talented you are, you have limits. By finding the best people and getting them aligned with your vision, you can take your business to a whole new level.

P for Process

Successful individuals focus on establishing efficient processes. They invest time, money, and resources into unblocking bottlenecks and streamlining operations. Although it may not be the most exciting part of running a business, it is essential for driving growth and achieving sustainable success.

P for Promotion

The top 5% excel in promotion. They have a compelling marketing strategy and know how to sell their services effectively. They understand the power of a well-designed funnel that attracts leads, closes deals, and converts customers into loyal clients. By mastering promotion, they consistently bring in new business and expand their reach.

P for Plan

Successful individuals have a strategic plan in place. They know where they are, where they want to go, and how to get there. They make decisions based on their long-term goals and avoid distractions that don't align with their plan. By staying focused and working towards their plan, they make steady progress and achieve remarkable results.

P for Preparedness

The final P is preparedness. The top 5% show up every day and execute their plan with discipline. They prioritize daily tasks, meet with team members, solve problems, and work towards their goals consistently. It is through this dedication and self-discipline that they achieve significant growth and make their vision a reality.

If you want to surround yourself with the top 5% and join a community of like-minded individuals, I invite you to join our BAM Squad. In the BAM Squad, you'll gain access to valuable resources, mastermind groups, and a supportive community that will drive your success. The investment is minimal compared to the incredible results you'll achieve.

To learn more and start your seven-day free trial, visit Join the #BAMSQUAD today and unlock your full potential!

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help. Looking forward to seeing you in the BAMSquad!
