The Power of Tracking: How it Transformed Our Music Academy

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

The Power of Tracking: How it Transformed Our Music Academy

Hey there, music enthusiasts!

I wanted to take a moment to share an incredible change we recently implemented in our business here in New Zealand. This change has had an instant impact on our music academy, resulting in higher retention rates, increased engagement with our families, improved tutor and music teacher performance, and overall success. The best part? It all stemmed from one simple change: tracking specific metrics.

1. Everything that we measure gets better

We've found that whatever we measure, whether it's lateness, punctuality, leads, or the effectiveness of our ads, it automatically improves. By tracking and analyzing these metrics, we can make necessary tweaks, changes, and innovations to ensure continuous growth and improvement. For example, we started tracking our retention rate and the factors influencing it. Without this data, we would be flying blind, unaware of what's working and what isn't.

2. Greater clarity leads to effective leadership

Implementing tracking systems has provided us with a higher level of clarity. We now have graphs and visual representations for all the metrics we're tracking, allowing us to easily understand and interpret the data. It eliminates the need for manual counting or tedious spreadsheet calculations. With just a glance, we know exactly where we stand, what the numbers mean, and can make informed decisions to drive our business forward. However, it's important to overcome any fears that may arise from this newfound clarity, as it also brings responsibility to take action.

3. Feelings can be deceiving; facts are essential

Feelings about the success of an ad, lead follow-up, or student exit interviews can be misleading. Only by measuring these aspects can we separate perception from reality. For example, an ad might feel fantastic, but without data, we won't know if it's truly performing. Tracking allows us to base our decisions on facts rather than emotions, ensuring we focus on what works and make adjustments where necessary.

4. People do what you inspect, not just what you expect

As employers and business owners, we understand that people tend to prioritize tasks that are inspected rather than solely relying on expectations. Despite fostering a positive company culture, employees may default to what's being measured. By tracking specific metrics, we can elevate performance in crucial areas and motivate our team members to meet and exceed expectations.

If you're eager to learn more about implementing tracking systems in your own business, I encourage you to visit There, you'll find a treasure trove of resources, including a free trial, comprehensive spreadsheets, implementation guides, and customized metrics tailored to your unique situation. It's all available for a seven-day trial, so you can dive right in and experience the benefits firsthand.

Head over to module three on the website to access this valuable information. While you're there, feel free to explore the other fantastic resources waiting for you. Remember, knowledge is power, and tracking is the key to unlocking your business's true potential.

Thanks for tuning in! Until next time!

