The worlds leading membership for passionate music teachers & academy owners who want to build a wildly successful business & make a difference


Stop Working Yourself Into the Ground,
Scale Your Business to 7 Figures, WITHOUT Losing Sleep


Are you sick of feeling...

▶︎  Overworked and underpaid — There’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done and yet the money coming through the door does not reflect your hard work.

►  Stuck on the hamster wheel of running your business —  You’re not earning enough money to hire a team, yet you’re way too busy working IN the business to actually focus on GROWING your business.

►  Like you’ve got ZERO work/life balance — You never see your family because all you do is work… Isn’t owning your own business supposed to be freeing?

Stuck in an endless cycle of trying to find and retain students?

You put so much time and energy into finding new students, yet you have no idea if your marketing efforts are even working.  And besides, once you do land students, you have trouble keeping them.  Perhaps you’ve been forced to take up side-jobs here and there to supplement your income because money from your teaching business is so inconsistent.

You might even be at a point where you’re wondering if things will ever change or if you’re doomed to be stuck in this situation forever.

It would be nice to start earning enough to
actually pay yourself, right?


Wasn’t this whole music school thing supposed to be FUN? 

… Does any of this sound familiar?

►  Whatever your situation, you and I both know that it’s time for a change.

►  You’re not like other private music teachers. You want to build something bigger.  

►  Something that actually has an impact and makes a difference in the world.


Hear from real studio owners about how the #BAMSQUAD has revolutionised their business & given them the tools to increase their income, reduce stress and have a greater impact

You know what you want for your music business,

It’s a music school that:


✔  Inspires others and supports the community — creating a lasting impact in people’s lives and making a bigger contribution

  Is self-sustaining and offers a healthier work life balance.  Freeing you up to spend and enjoy time with your family, friends and loved ones.

  Runs smoothly like clockwork with profitable systems designed to take the load off you. Things run on autopilot so admin tasks get done without you even sparing a thought!

  Actually makes money! — Allowing you to hire more teachers, pay yourself for once, take time off and invest in future growth of your business

✔  Consistently attracts new students who are inspired by you and your business and who will refer all their friends

✔  Continues to grow consistently, year after year so you never have to worry about cash flow and finding new students again!

That dream vision?
It actually is possible.

You can grow your business, change the lives of your students, increase profit AND have more time for yourself and your family.  But the part that you’re stuck on is how to get there. 

You already know that your current situation isn’t sustainable. You can’t keep living week to week, hoping that THIS WEEK will be the one that you spend ON your business, rather than IN your business. 

►   You don’t want to be another struggling musician. You want more.

►   You want to make a difference (while making a living).

►   You just need a little help to get there.

So, you're left with two choices:


STAY STUCK on the hamster wheel, living week to week, crossing your fingers and hoping that “one day” things will change and this will all pay off.


TAKE REAL ACTION, get out of your own way and refuse to settle for anything less than your dream business any longer! 


...and I know!
You’ve been here before.


You’ve read book after book on how to grow your business.

 You’ve Googled “how do I run a profitable music school?!” and heard CRICKETS because there’s no really USEFUL information out there.

You wake up each Monday thinking “YES! This week will be different!” Only to find yourself tired and exhausted again on Friday night, preparing to work through the weekend.

You’ve tried to apply general business and marketing advice to your not-so-general, very unique and ❤️heart-led music school.


Look, it’s okay!
No one teaches us this stuff. 

But it’s definitely time to change it up. These kinds of general strategies are a waste of your precious time and don’t address the unique needs of your music business.  To create your successful, dream business, you need a plan and approach designed JUST for you and your problems.

Nothing will change. 

You’ll wake up another 12 months from now,

►  STILL struggling to find students,

►  STILL sacrificing time with your family and time for yourself to pull late nights, and

►  STILL wondering if things are ever going to get better. 

What you need is an expert framework that guides you every step of the way towards the business and life that you truly deserve.


The world-leading, extensive framework designed specifically for passionate, driven music teachers who want to get unstuck, have more time for themselves, and start scaling to 7 figures with EXPLOSIVE GROWTH.



Here's how we help YOU get massive results!


A Personal MASTERMIND Accountability Group

MUSIC SCHOOL Course Library

24/7 Access to the #BAMSQUAD 

Join real people in the #BAMSQUAD who are getting actual results!

Before joining the #BAMSQUAD I was literally flying by the seat of my pants, desperate for some guidance. I no longer have that constant feeling of anxiety about my business. I have a plan and know where I’m going.

Megan Spiller 
The Studio. Music Academy 

I used to be stressed out talking about my school. I have learned to refocus and I am now in a more relaxed and balanced space. The #BAMSQUAD is the best investment you’ll ever make. I can’t speak highly enough about it.

Katie Gallagher 
Gallagher School of Music and Drama 

The #BAMSQUAD is mind-blowing. It has drastically increased my customer numbers and student retention. I’ve been in a lot of music school programmes and this is head and shoulders above anyone else.

Chris Schafer 
Music Tech Studios

When I joined the #BAMSQUAD I had 130 students, 6 months later we had grown to 230. My wife has noticed I’ve got my life back. It’s truly changed my family and my life.

Nick Tucker 
Spark School of Music 

Watch a BEHIND THE SCENES walkthrough of the Build a Music School Membership


#BAMSQUAD All In Mastermind 

You will have the option to be join a monthly mastermind with other #BAMSQUAD members, where you can ask questions, and get feedback from school owners around the world as they build their dream business alongside you.

The data clearly shows that music school owners grow faster and have more success when they have the accountability of a small group both pushing them and supporting them.

#BAMSQUAD members collectively offer a wealth of marketing expertise, retention tactics, content creation, copywriting, tech, e-commerce, and so much more. 

Supercharge your business by building a network of like-minded friends around the globe and learning alongside those facing similar challenges you’re facing.



Access to our Exclusive #BAMSQUAD Facebook Community

Imagine being able to get feedback and support on any problem you’re facing in your studio, even if it’s 3 in the morning!   BAMSQUAD members span the globe across more than 25 countries.  
Someone is always awake and eager to help you - 24/7.  

In our Private #BAMSQUAD Group you'll also have ability to:

►   Access additional content and bonuses

►  Participate in competitions, challenges, case studies, end of year parties and more.

►   Join Zoom calls on special hot topic discussions 


Hi, I’m Jonny Wilson. 


▶︎    Founder of Build a Music School (Est. 2018)

▶︎   Founder of New Zealand's largest private music school (Est. 2009)

▶︎   Grew my music school from 30 students to 2,000 students & 50+ team members (Sold Dec 2019)

▶︎   Winner of the Local Hero Medal in the New Zealander of the Year (2012)

▶︎   Winner of Young Business Person of the Year (2017)

Learn more about my story!!

The #BAMSQUAD is perfect for you if...


  You’re ready to ditch the sleepless nights and decrease your stress levels, knowing that your business is secure and continuing to grow consistently.

✔  You want to FINALLY start earning money, feel financially secure and able to easily support your family, free from stress. 

✔  You want more time for yourself and your family, free from distraction, with a healthy work / life balance. 

✔  You’re ready to be fully present with your family because you won’t have to worry about how your business is going.

✔  You want to spend your time working ON the business, rather than IN the business so you can implement creative ideas and fun projects, all while the business continues to grow and scale.

✔  You want to have an impact on your community by creating new jobs for music teachers and inspiring young musicians.

✔  You’re ready to start paying yourself what your hard work and dedication deserves.

✔  You want to become a part of a community that supports you, celebrates your wins and achievements, and offers lifelong friendship.

Here's EVERYTHING you're about to get as soon as you sign up...

The #BAMSQUAD Membership Includes:


✔︎ Instant access to The ‘Build a Music School’ Course Library, containing over 500+ video trainings covering nearly every aspect of building your own successful music school.— (Priceless)

✔︎ Studio Business Models Essentials — (Value $47)

✔︎ The 5 Levels of Music School Leadership — (Value $47)

✔︎ Studio Strategic Planning — (Value $97)

✔︎ The Studio Profit Formula — (Value $497)

✔︎ Competitor research mini-course — (Value $97)

✔︎ Tech, tools, tips videos — (Value $97)

✔︎ Group lessons course — (Value $997)

✔︎ Manage your studio finances like a pro course — (Value $997)

✔︎ 10 commandments of Administrative systems — (Value $47)

✔︎ Student sign up systems — (Value $197)

✔︎ Student induction packs — (Value $297)

✔︎ Music School policy builder — (Value $997)

✔︎ Enquiries & Cancellations tracker — (Value $197)

✔︎ Billing and debt collection resources — (Value $197)

✔︎ Studio Documents, Procedures and Templates — (Value $4,997)

✔︎ Student Retention Calculator — (Value $197)

✔︎ Gamification Ideas — (Value $297)

✔︎ Customisable Curriculum Library (23+ books) — (Value $14,997)

✔︎ Marketing a movement essentials course — (Value $997)

✔︎ Facebook for Music Schools Course — (Value $997)

✔︎ Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) For Music Schools — (Value $697)

✔︎ Google Ads for Music Schools Course — (Value $497)

✔︎ Youtube Ads for Music Schools Course — (Value $497)

✔︎ Marketing with School Concerts — (Value $497)

✔︎ Customisable Design Library — (Value $4,997)

✔︎ Feasibility calculator for hiring team members — (Value $197)

✔︎ Recruiting, Hiring & Building Your Team — (Value $1,997)


✔︎ Staff induction documents and templates — (Value $997)

✔︎ Teaching Matters Teacher Training Course — (Value $997)

✔︎ Health & Safety Documents and training — (Value $497)

✔︎ Child protection Documents and training — (Value $497)

✔︎ Teacher observation course — (Value $197)

✔︎ Music School Culture building course — (Value $97)

✔︎ Advanced Leadership training course — (Value $197)

✔︎ How to get sponsors, supporters and grants — (Value $397)

✔︎ 30+ Guest interviews — (Value $997)

✔︎ Selling Merchandise and curriculum — (Value $297)

✔︎ Building band programmes — (Value $397)

✔︎ Music Buses and Music Boxes — (Value $997)

✔︎ Intern / Junior teachers programme — (Value $497)

✔︎ Building a charitable trust and getting funding — (Value $997)

✔︎ Rad Rhythm Programme — (Value $997)

✔︎ Rapid rockstar programme — (Value $997)

✔︎ Diversifying your studio income — (Value $997)

✔︎ Instrument Hireage income course — (Value $197)

✔︎ How To Add Online Courses / Memberships To Your Studio — (Value $497)

✔︎ Custom Mastermind Groups  (PRICELESS!)

✔︎ Triple Your Investment GUARANTEE — (PRICELESS!)

✔︎ Build a Music School App — (Value $297)

✔︎ Private Facebook group + Monthly Live Q&As  (PRICELESS!)

✔︎ Monthly Challenges, Zoom Hangouts, Competitions & prizes  (PRICELESS!) 

✔︎ New content added and updated every month.  (PRICELESS!)



*If you were to purchase it separately or build it yourself.


'Build a Music School' Membership PRICING OPTIONS

We offer three flexible payment options to best suit your cash flow needs.

All plans come with a FREE 7-day trial
This is the best way to experience the #BAMSQUAD before committing to the membership.
You can cancel anytime without penalties or notice periods


$59 P/W

  • You will be billed $255 per month after your 7 DAY Free Trial
  • Registration fee waived ($1000)


$49 P/W

SAVE $520

  • You will be billed $637 per quarter after your 7 DAY Free Trial
  • Registration fee waived ($1000)


$39 P/W

SAVE $1040

  • You will be billed $2028 per year after your 7 DAY Free Trial
  • Registration fee waived ($1000)

Your Triple Investment Guarantee

We get it, you see everyone else having success, but what you really want to know is….
Will this actually work for me?! 
If you’re committed, YES! But we understand you might still be a bit nervous, so here's our 3 guarantees to you!

If you decide the #BAMSQUAD is not for you, then we are happy to give you a full refund. As long as there’s no dishonest intent (e.g. we don’t see you’ve downloaded all the expensive resources to then just leave and get a refund)

If you implement the #BAMSQUAD trainings  and don't see at least a 3X return on your investment after the first year, we’ll give you all your money back!


When you sign up, we promise to give you a special bonus training with 10 quick strategies that each individually can earn back your first years #BAMSQUAD fees in 3-6 months.


    Still unsure?


“What if I don’t want to build a large music academy?”

That’s ok! The #BAMSQUAD is designed for you to achieve MAXIMUM success in whatever version of your business that looks like for you.  If you just want to supercharge your private music tutoring business, that’s fine too! The #BAMSQUAD will still be perfect for you.

“I’m not a natural leader…
Is this right for me?”

Absolutely! The #BAMSQUAD is designed to give you every single tool you’ll need to run a successful business. If you’re not a natural leader, don’t worry, you’re in good hands and we’ve got you covered!

“The idea of being a business owner makes me nervous”

We totally understand. The idea of owning a business can be daunting, but that’s why we’re here to walk you through the process step-by-step so it’s not scary or overwhelming.  If you join The #BAMSQUAD, you’ll be setting yourself up for massive long-term success and it’s the BEST business decision you can make when you’re a new business owner.

Frequently asked 

Can you see why so many people just like you are joining the #BAMSQUAD to fast track the success of their teaching business?


Earnings Disclaimer

There is no guarantee that you will achieve similar results to Jonny or many of the other successful #BAMSQUAD members. You acknowledge that the information presented in this material or on this website or any sales, marketing or promotional materials is not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings or success for you personally.  

Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials largely depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, market, various skills, your work ethic, people skills and other factors. Since these factors differ from person to person, we cannot guarantee your success or profit, and you accept the risk that earnings and income reports differ from person to person. Build a Music School does not accept responsibility for any of your actions. 

The use of our information, products, services and techniques should be based on your own due diligence and you acknowledge and agree that Build a Music School shall not be liable for the success or failure of your business as it relates to the purchase and use of our products, services, and/or information reviewed or advertised on this website.


Facebook Disclaimer

This site is not a part of or associated with the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. 

Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.